Mapping the Saudi State, Ch. 1: The Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice

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In Mapping the Saudi State, Chapter 1: The Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice (CPVPV), ADHRB details the workings of the Saudi agency tasked with enforcing the public observance of the government’s interpretation of Islamic law. Through an interactive presentation and a comprehensive written report, ADHRB expands on the ways in which the CPVPV, often referred to as the religious police, has adopted a broad interpretation of this mandate. These materials outline the agency’s history, structure, and attempts at reform, while also demonstrating the ways in which it enforces social control and widely discriminates against women. After reviewing the record, ADHRB offers a number of reforms which both respect the CPVPV’s religious mandate while also curtailing its ability to commit further rights violations.

For citations and in-depth information, click here to read the full chapter.