Dispatch: Bahrain Newspapers Sign Restrictive “Charter of Press Ethics”

On 2 December 2015, the Government of Bahrain announced that the editors-in-chief of Bahrain’s six daily newspapers had reviewed and agreed to a new “Charter of Press Ethics” with the Ministry of Information Affairs Authority (IAA). Spearheaded by the Information and Parliamentary Affairs (IPA) Ministry, IPA Minister Isa bin Abdulrahman Al Hammadi stressed that the[…]

Champions for Justice: Victims of Government Reprisals

Since Bahrain’s pro-democracy uprising began in 2011, Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB), the Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy (BIRD), and the Bahrain Centre for Human Rights (BCHR) have documented numerous cases of government retaliation against human rights defenders and activists. Less well-known, however, are cases of retaliation against these individuals’[…]

Nimr al-Nimr: Britain and the US Must Condemn ‘Reckless’ Saudi Arabia Over Cleric’s Execution

Today, the International Business Times published an op-ed by ADHRB Executive Director Husain Abdulla regarding international fallout over the execution of Saudi cleric and political activist Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr. The first paragraphs of the article are found below; the rest can be viewed on the IB Times website. Saudi authorities were not always so rash.[…]

Executed Saudi Sheikh Nimr was not a terrorist

On 2 January 2016, Middle East Eye published an op-ed by ADHRB advocacy associate Ellen Duthoy regarding Saudi Arabia’s portrayal of Sheikh Nimr as a terrorist. The first paragraphs of the article are found below; the rest can be viewed here. Although Saudi Arabia has made headlines on Saturday after executing 47 people convicted of “terrorism”, much[…]

Saudi Government Executes Sheikh Nimr

2 January 2016 – Washington, DC – The Government of Saudi Arabia executed reformist cleric Sheikh Nimr Baqir al-Nimr today, along with 46 other persons. Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB), the Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy (BIRD), and the European Centre for Democracy & Human Rights (ECDHR) condemn in the[…]