End the Death Sentence against Sultan and Thamer and Bring Them Back to Bahrain

#EndTheDeathSentence is a slogan launched by Americans for Democracy and Human Rights in Bahrain in its campaign to demand the commutation of the death sentences against the two Bahraini young men, Sadeq Thamer and Jaafar Sultan, who are sentenced to death in Saudi Arabia. The campaign also demands their immediate release, as they are at[…]

ADHRB calls on Saudi Arabia to release all HRD and Activists

On 23 March, ADHRB  has delivered an oral intervention at the United Nation Human Rights Council session 52 under item 4 during the General debate. ADHRB calls on Saudi Arabia to release all Human rights defenders and Activists. Mr. president. We would like to call the council’s attention to Saudi Arabia’s escalating utilization of anti-terrorism[…]

HRC52: Ongoing systematic Human Rights Violations in Yemen

On 8 March, ADHRB  along with other organizations have delivered an oral intervention at the United Nation Human Rights Council session 52 under item 2, during the General debate. They expressed their concern over the Ongoing systematic Human Rights Violations in Yemen. Mr. President, We welcome the report on Yemen from the High Commissioner but[…]

Saudi Arabia is escalating the use of an anti-terrorism law to suppress freedom of opinion and expression

The year 2022 witnessed more repressive arrest campaigns in Saudi Arabia that targeted citizens and activists on charges related to freedom of opinion and expression. Attacks on freedom of expression and opinion increased after the visit of US President Joe Biden to Saudi Arabia in July 2022, who promised during his election campaign to hold[…]