NGOs calls on UN to grant NGO consultative status free from political or economic influence

On 29 September, ADHRB delivered an intervention at the United Nation Human Rights Council session 54 under item 5 during the General debate. ADHRB called on UN to grant NGO consultative status free from political or economic influence.   We express dismay with the process NGOs go through to get consultative status, a status that[…]

Profile in Persecution: Sayed Husain Saeed AlKhabbaz

Sayed Husain Saeed AlKhabbaz was a 17-year-old student when Bahraini authorities warrantlessly arrested him while he was in his car with his friends. Since his arrest, Sayed Husain has suffered ill-treatment and political discrimination at the hands of the Bahraini prison authorities. He remains in Jau Prison, completing the last years of his sentence. On[…]

Profile in Persecution: Sayed Hashem Mohsen Fadhul

Sayed Hashem Mohsen Fadhul was an 18-year-old Bahraini national who was arbitrarily arrested in 2015. He has been subjected to torture and ill-treatment on multiple occasions and is currently held in Jau prison where he is serving his sentences. Sayed Hashem was arrested on 30 May 2015 in Bani Jamra as he was going to[…]

Profile in Persecution: Husain Ali Husain (Shaikh)

Husain Ali Husain was a 23-year-old Bahraini student when he was arrested without a warrant in an ambush. Husain was tortured and subjected to several human rights violations, including infringements on his due process and fair trial rights. He is currently held in Jau Prison. On 28 December 2018, riot police and intelligence forces set[…]

UN Experts Declare Kameel Juma Hasan Arbitrarily Detained, Note Systemic Violations in Bahrain May Constitute Crimes Against Humanity

17 June 2021- Today the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (WGAD)  published an Opinion on its website concerning Kameel Juma Mansoor Salman Hasan, the son of Bahraini civil society activist and former prisoner of conscience, Ms. Najah Ahmed Habib Yusuf, who had been declared arbitrarily detained by the WGAD. Facing over 20 different[…]