Bahrain Moves Forward with Measures to Centralize Internet Censorship

8 August 2016 – The Government of Bahrain introduced further restrictions on the right to freedom of expression on the Internet last week, centralizing website-blocking powers under Bahrain’s Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA). On 5 August 2016, the head of the TRA Board of Directors, Mohammed Ahmed Al-Amer, issued Decision 12/2016 regarding regulations on safety over[…]

Return of Electronic Witch Hunt in Bahrain Leads to the Arrest of Ali Abdulraheem

14 July 2016 – The Government of Bahrain is targeting public sector employees found in photos and videos of sit-ins with arrest and further punishment. We, the undersigned NGOs, condemn the return of this practice, which violates people’s right to assembly. On 12 July 2016, Ali Abdulraheem, an official at the state Labour Market Regulatory[…]

ACPRA and Restrictions on Human Rights Organizations in Saudi Arabia

In March 2013, the Saudi government forced the Saudi Arabian Civil and Political Rights Association (ACPRA) to close. ACPRA was a prominent human rights organization, and one of the few independent civil society organizations in the country. On 29 May 2016, the government’s Specialized Criminal Court (SCC) sentenced ACPRA’s last free co-founder, Abdulaziz al-Shubaily, to[…]

HRC32: ADHRB calls attention to criminalization of free expression in Bahrain

On June 20, Yusuf Al-Hoori, on behalf of Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain, delivered an oral intervention at the 32nd session of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva under Item 3.  Please continue reading for full remarks or click here to download a PDF. Mr. President, Alsalam Foundation, together with Americans for Democracy[…]

NGOs Strongly Condemn Bahrain’s Government Closing Al-Wefaq

14 June 2016- The Bahraini government today closed Al-Wefaq National Islamic Society, the largest political society in the country, on charges that the organization supported sectarianism and terrorism. We, the undersigned NGOs, condemn the Bahraini government’s decision to dissolve al-Wefaq. We express grave concern over the government’s continued persecution of its political opposition and its elevated[…]