UAE’s Intensified Suppression of Freedom of Speech: The case of Israel

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has recently launched an extensive campaign to silence opposition, marked by a stark disregard for justice and human rights. This crackdown includes a series of arrests, summonses, and deportations targeting individuals who criticize Israel’s actions in Gaza, blatantly violating the right to freedom of speech. This disturbing trend continues the[…]

ADHRB at HRC55 : We Ask For Accountability For Violations Instead of Promoting Impunity for Political Reasons

On 21st March 2024, ADHRB delivered an intervention at the United Nation Human Rights Council session 55 under item 4 during the General debate. ADHRB urged the council to  ensure accountability prevails over political considerations in addressing human rights violations. We express deep concern over the United States’ unwavering support for countries with poor human[…]

Bahrain’s Crackdown on Pro-Palestine Activism: A Violation of Rights

In recent months, Bahrain has witnessed a distressing wave of arrests and suppression of pro-Palestine activism, prompting concerns over human rights violations and freedom of expression in the country. Reports from Human Rights Watch (HRW) have highlighted a disturbing trend where Bahraini authorities targeted individuals participating in pro-Palestine protests, including minors and online advocates. These[…]

Bahrain: the government can not claim legitimacy while engaging in grave consistent human rights violations

On 25 September 2020, ADHRB has delivered an oral intervention at the United Nation Human Rights Council session 45 during on interactive debate under item 4. Madam President Since the pro-democracy movement in Bahrain which took place on February 14th 2011 and the Bahraini government engaged in a systematic campaign of human rights violations dismantling[…]