ADHRB Praises the European Parliament for Passing Bahrain Urgency Resolution

Strasbourg, France – February 6, 2014 – Today, the European Parliament passed an urgent resolution expressing “grave concern” over ongoing human rights violations and the status of the rule of law in Bahrain. The resolution, voted through the European Parliament plenary session in Strasbourg, called on the Government of Bahrain to immediately release all political[…]

Abdulwahab Hussain: February’s Champion for Justice

Abdulwahab Hussain Abdulwahab Hussain is a philosopher and social critic with a long history of activism in Bahrain. Born in Nuwaidrat, Hussain earned a Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy and Sociology from Kuwait University in 1977. Hussain worked as both a teacher and a social worker until he was dismissed from his posts on account of his political activities. During[…]