Kuwait’s Unlawful Citizenship Revocations: a Tool of Repression Leading to Statelessness

The right to nationality is a human right that cannot be disputed. Despite this, Kuwait uses punitive citizenship revocations as a tool for repression. The 1959 Kuwaiti Nationality Law broadly legislates that the state has discretionary powers to withdraw citizenship. This law has been used to arbitrarily revoke the citizenships of dissidents and ethnic minorities[…]

Arbitrary Deprivation of Nationality in Bahrain: A Legal and Human Rights Crisis

The Bahraini Constitution of 2002 stipulates that “a person cannot be deprived of its citizenship except in cases of treason” and as provided by law. The acquisition, loss, and withdrawal of citizenship are governed by the Bahraini Citizenship Act of 1963, which has been amended several times, most recently in 2019. To suppress dissenting voices,[…]

Kuwait: Anticipated Developments for Bidoon Activists

On 17 July 2023, Americans for Democracy and Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) launched an international campaign advocating for the rights of the ”Bidoon”. Aiming to secure access to essential services in education, healthcare, employment, and freedom of assembly, ADHRB called for the end of the discriminatory practices of Kuwait’s government. In addition, shortly after[…]

Bahrain: NGOs Condemn Torture Allegations and Denaturalization of 115 in Flawed Mass Trial

15 May 2018 – Bahrain’s High Criminal Court today revoked the citizenship of 115 people amid reports of torture and due process abuses in an unfair mass trial of 138 defendants. Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB), the Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy (BIRD), and the European Centre for Democracy and[…]