ADHRB Welcomes High Commissioner Bachelet’s Concerns Over Mass Denationalization in Bahrain

18 April 2019 – The United Nations Office of the High Commissioner (OHCHR) today issued a statement expressing “alarm at the court decision in Bahrain that revoked the nationalities of 138 people after a mass trial” and raising concern that “the court proceedings failed to comply with international fair trial standards.” With this verdict, the[…]

Profiles in Persecution: Husain Mohsen Al-Meftah

Husain Mohsen Al-Meftah is a 32-year-old Bahraini citizen who worked as a guard at the Al-Arian factory prior to his arrest. He was arbitrarily arrested by police officers, forcibly disappeared for over 20 days, and tortured into confessing to the charges against him. Husain currently awaits his appeal in Jau Prison. On 8 November 2015,[…]

Bahrain: NGOs Condemn Torture Allegations and Denaturalization of 115 in Flawed Mass Trial

15 May 2018 – Bahrain’s High Criminal Court today revoked the citizenship of 115 people amid reports of torture and due process abuses in an unfair mass trial of 138 defendants. Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB), the Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy (BIRD), and the European Centre for Democracy and[…]