#GameOverSaudi: ADHRB and ECDHR joint women’s rights campaign

Americans for Democracy and Human Rights in Bahrain, together with the European Centre for Democracy and Human Rights, launches the #GameOverSaudi campaign, a concerted effort to address the women’s rights situation in Saudi Arabia amid the celebration of the Esports World Cup in the country. The tournament, which arises as the largest global event of[…]

Diverting attention from human rights abuses: the Esports World Cup in Saudi Arabia

On July 3, 2024, the Esports World Cup, the largest global event of its kind, will kick off in Saudi Arabia amid controversy in the gaming community. Saudi’s last attempt to become a hub for international esports has, once more, triggered discussions about the ethical implications of hosting major sports -and esports- events in countries[…]

Incomprehensible ideas to address climate change: a futuristic ski resort in the middle of the Saudi desert

Snow-covered mountains, people skiing, and luxury accommodations are some of the images Saudi Arabia wants to imprint in people’s minds about Trojena, one of four major parts, alongside The Line, Oxagon, and Sindalah, of the Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s brainchild: “NEOM”, a $550 billion “giga-project” that aims to show the world Saudi Arabia’s grand[…]