The Aftermath of Kuwait’s Amnesty Scheme: The Start of Another Mass Deportation

The Kuwaiti government ran an amnesty scheme for “illegal immigrants” from 17 March 2024 to 30 June 2024, which was extended from the initial deadline of 17 June. This grace period was intended to give those illegally in the country the time to either pay the penalties and regularize their status or leave the country[…]

Qatar’s Migrant Workers’ Rights a Cause for Great Concern in the Face of the 2022 World Cup

In 2010, Qatar won the bid to host the 2022 FIFA World Cup that has since fielded corruption allegations, into which investigations are still ongoing. A leading question surfacing after the announcement, among other environmental and climate concerns, revolved around the nation’s lack of necessary infrastructure to host such a high-profile, global event that many[…]

Spotlight on Kuwait: Workers’ Rights in Economic Slump

In Kuwait last week, thousands of Kuwaiti oil and gas industry workers launched a three-day strike in protest over cuts to their wages and benefits. The protest marked a clear sign of how low-waged workers, such as nationals employed in the oil fields as well as other migrant workers employed in the construction and service[…]