ADHRB at HRC55: We urge the council to pressure Bahrain for the immediate release of human rights defenders before it is too late

On 21st March 2024, ADHRB delivered an intervention at the United Nation Human Rights Council session 55 under item 4 during the General debate. ADHRB urged the council to pressure Bahrain for the immediate release of human rights defenders before it is too late. We draw the Council’s attention to the medical neglect endured by[…]

Urgent Appeal: Bulgaria Must Halt Deportation of Saudi Human Rights Activist

The story of Abdulrahman al-Khalidi has recently caught the media’s attention, along with campaigns requesting his release. Human Rights Watch (HRW) and Article 19 promptly warned Bulgarian authorities of the risk the activist would face if deported to Saudi Arabia.  This case has already highlighted negligence by Sofia authorities, violating the human rights of the[…]

Unveiling the Shocking Reality: UAE’s Sham Trial Amid COP28 Exposes Human Rights Contempt

The Emirati authorities’ commencement of a mass trial involving over 80 Emiratis, including prominent human rights defenders and prisoners of conscience, has sent shockwaves globally. The trial coinciding with COP28, billed as the ‘most inclusive COP ever,’ reflects the UAE’s blatant disregard for human rights and its unwillingness to address the dire state of rights[…]

UAE fabricates new charges against detainees during COP28: the contradictory collaboration with false progressist states

On the 11th of December 2023, the NGO Emirates Detainees Advocacy Center (EDAC) reported that the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has initiated a new mass trial against more than 80 emirates. Arguably, the trial represents a continuation of the infamous UAE 94 case, where numerous citizens were arrested for political views. In the latest proceeding,[…]

Seeking Justice for Iraq’s Disappeared Protesters: A Continuing Struggle

With four years passing since the Tishreen Uprising in Iraq, the echoes of the protests for justice, accountability, and a better future still resound within the nation. However, these demands have remained largely unmet, overshadowed by a grim reality of enforced disappearances and a lack of accountability for the brutal crackdown on peaceful demonstrators. The[…]