Internet Censorship and Surveillance in the UAE

On 29 June 2016, various internet users in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) reported that Middle East Eye, an online news organization, was blocked by Emirati authorities. Internet users in the country receive the following official message when attempting to visit the website: “Access to this site is currently blocked.” Middle East Eye notes that[…]

Dr. Nasser bin Ghaith Reappears in UAE Court after Eight Months of Enforced Disappearance

After nearly eight months of enforced disappearance, the Government of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has taken prominent Emirati economist and political activist Dr. Nasser bin Ghaith before the State Security Chamber of the Federal Supreme Court in Abu Dhabi. On 18 August 2015, Emirati officials arrested Dr. Nasser bin Ghaith from his work place[…]

State of Repression: The United Arab Emirates

17 March 2016 – Geneva, Switzerland – Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB), the Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy (BIRD), the European Center for Democracy & Human Rights (ECDHR), Index on Censorship, and the Saudi Organization for Rights and Freedoms presented a side event at the 31st Session of the Human[…]

UAE’s New Ministry of Happiness: A Distraction from Repression?

On 8 February 2016, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) announced that it would be forming new ministries of “happiness” and “tolerance.” While the UAE is not the first country to establish such positions—commentators note that the move is reminiscent of Bhutan’s Gross National Happiness Index, installed in 1972, as well as other more recent trends—it remains[…]

UAE Charges Tortured US Citizens with Terrorism

20 January 2016 – After holding them for more than 500 days without charge, an Emirati court charged Libyan-American citizens Kamal and Mohammed al-Darat with providing material support to Libyan organizations allegedly linked to the Muslim Brotherhood on Monday. The court charged the al-Darats along with two other Libyan nationals, including Libyan-Canadian citizen Salim al-Aradi.[…]